Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Phil and I were gone for Halloween, but we had the annual family Halloween party to go to. Carlee was Tinkerbell, and Bodie was a cop.

Bodie was a great cop. He was arresting everyone who got out of line. He wore his costume 4 days in a row before Halloween.

Officer Phil and Tink

Kassie and I took our kids up to Gardner Village a few days before Halloween in their costumes to see the witches. Carson would not look at the camera.


Dustin and Lyndsey Wright said...

They look so cute in their costumes! I cant believe how big Carlee is getting. I got to talk to her on her Birthday, she is so cute! I love how Bodie wore his costume days before Halloween, that is so funny!

A said...

Oh my hell I can't believe Carlee is 2 already!!!!!!! What in the world... I need another baby! She looks so cute in her tink costume and bodie as well. HOw fun for you and Phil to get away... now time for baby #3 right?