Last week I went to Girl's Camp for five days. Phil, my sis, Kassie and mother in law, Lorraine took care of my babies while I was gone! Thanks so much to them. I didn't have to worry about them, I knew they were being taken good care of. Carlee was mad at me for like four days after I got home. I don't think she liked being left. She also somehow managed to UN-potty train herself while I was gone. Love that!!
Anyway! Girl's Camp was so much fun! We went up the the new Girl's Camp in Herber. It is so nice! The girls were so awesome! They all got along great and were so much fun!

The girls!

This girl was always seeing how much she could fit in her mouth! I loved it!

They have a really cool Challenge Course up at the camp. The girls got to a zip line and other cool activities.

There is also a lake that they go canoeing on. All the leaders got to cruise around the lake on paddle boats.

Of course, we ate alot.
(We had a set of triplets, they are in the top left hand picture. They are cute girls, sometimes a handful, but sweet and very loving.)

I made lots of new friends! The leaders were so much fun!
Can't wait for next year!!