Friday, October 19, 2007

Puerto Vallarta

I'm really bad at posting. It's been over a month...woops! Phil and I went to Mexico for our five year anniversary with Carl and Danielle. It was so much fun! The kids stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Capell. It was great to lay by the pool and tan. We had awesome weather! I love Mexico!

It was really humid. I look really greasy. But this was the view from our hotel. So pretty!

Phil and Carl


Rondi said...

I am glad you had fun in Mexico, glad you are back now, and glad that you finally posted again! My stalking has been quite boring this month! Love ya!

A said...

how fun. i am jealous. you look so pretty. i miss you

Nicolle said...

Ive been waiting to see Mexico pictures! So cute! Why is Phil always smiling in all the pictures? K can we do lunch again soon, i promise i wont be cranky!