Friday, April 18, 2008


Well it had to come... my parents got their mission call yesterday! They are going to the Honolulu, HI mission. They leave June, 2, and will be gone for 18 months. We are excited for them, I will just miss them. But the good news is, we can go visit!!

I didn't have a picture of my mom and dad together. So here's my mom and me. Bodie took this picture!

My dad and Carlee. I love this picture, Carlee looks so small!!


Alyson said...

Hawaii! Can I come too? Your hair looks so cute by the way. When did you cut it?

stacy h. said...

yeah, what a great place to go on a mission...and to visit! north shore on oahu is our favorite.

Mrs. Wright said...

Very exciting! I lived on Oahu for 3 years and loved it! My mission was in the Micronesia islands so I feel very connected to the island people. They will love their experience! My guess is they will probably meet some people I know. Where did the serve their first mission?

The Bertagnoles said...

Let me know when you go... we may just have to tag along too :} How fun for them!!!