Monday, June 2, 2008


Ok, so sorry if everyone is sick of the MTC, missionary, farewell posts. But today was the end of all the craziness. We dropped my parents off at the MTC this morning. It's way different than with the young missionaries. There is no program for the families, you just drop them off. We were lucky today and my little brother got to come and see us as we dropped the parents off. He leaves for Canada today. He was so cute and excited to get to Canada. It was fun to see him!! Love you, Devan!

Elder Jeffrey getting his missionary tag.

Sister Sandi

And they're out of here...sort of. They are at the MTC for a week and are done everyday at 5:00, so we can go to dinner with them a couple times before they go!


JaNea said...

I miss your parents already! I miss you too! Thanks for being so wonderful...

A said...

That's cool that you will get to still see them... and that your brother was able to see them again before he flew out. I love it that Bodie has that cowboy hat on!

The Pemberton Family said...

Oh Jenny-that's got to be hard leaving half of your family at the MTC! That is so great that they are all going on missions...who woulda thunk? Love you! Come see me!