Wednesday, July 29, 2009



So cute!

The prego's! Kassie was such a trooper! 9 months pregnant and camping!

Jeremiah always teasing!

My wildflowers I picked on our hike.

Bodie looks like he's going to pop!

Sitting by the camp fire.

Bodie, Carson and Carlee slept on the table that makes into a bed. Bodie was squishing Carson into the wall.



Kassie Temple said...

Thanks again...we had so much fun with you guys. Love ya!

Kelli and Chad said...

Camping is the best. Looks like you all had tons of fun. Kemp still asks when we are gonna see Bodie again! Have I told you that?! Random what they remember.

Chandra said...

Fun! Promise we can come camping with you sometime! You guys really know how it's done!

dlhadlock said...

You look like you had so much fun. I love camping.

Jill Wright said...

Riggs was on my lap when I was looking at this post, and he was pretty upset that we didn't get to go with you guys. Someday...

Mrs. Wright said...

How many times have you guys been camping this summer? This will certainly make for some fun memories for your kiddos! Love ya!

Elder & Sister Wright said...

Looks like you had a great time.