Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cell Phone Pictures

I take a million pictures on my phone and they just seem to get lost from one phone to the next. I was looking through them the other day and there were a few I wanted to save...so here they are.

Carlee trying on my glasses. (With beautiful morning hair, I might add)

Bodie's sad face when he was getting stitches. I can't get over the sad look on his face.

Sitting at the counter eating lunch.

Soaking her feet at the lake.

Riding the gator. Carlee loves to give kisses to all!

Dressing up in the hula gear from Nana.

I was trying to learn how to tie dye shirts for girl's camp, so I made on for each of my kids. Carlee looking like a babe in hers!

Bodie riding the fire truck at Toys R Us.

Cowgirl Carlee

Carlee writing her name with no help. It looked so cute I had to take a picture of it!


Cassi said...

so cute....i love carlee's name. I can't believe how good it is!

The Bertagnoles said...

Two things... Im jealous that Carlee writes her name by herself already- we arent there yet!!! and second, the pictures were loading on my computer so one of the pictures just showed carlees eyes and forehead and just seeing that made me realize how much she looks like you!!! SHe is like a little mini Jenny! How cute!!! :)