Saturday, July 26, 2008


Grandpa Lance is so fun with the kids! From the time they are six months (I am not kidding) he is throwing them around, doing flips and whatever else they will let him. Sometimes it makes me nervous, but Bodie and Carlee LOVE getting thrown around! Grandpa tossed the kids on the bed here for over a half hour. Watch the videos, they are short, but funny! They don't look like they go very high, but when I saw it the first time, it freaked me out.
Bodie looks like Peter Pan with his tight green pj's, flying through the air.


A said...

Oh what a fun grandpa! I love your new layout and the new pic's of the kids. Carlee's piggies are so cute. I love pig tails!

Jill Wright said...

That's how I am with the kids--and my whole family too--just throw 'em around--it freaks Jeremy out too. He calls several times a day to make sure I haven't hurt the boys doing anything too crazy. :)