Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What the %#*@!!

I don't really know where this all started.....but Phil is working on a job out at the Kennecott Refinery. They had to shut down operation on the plant to finish the job, so Phil has to have guys on the job 24-7.
He decided that since it's such an intense job, they should all get mohawks to lighten up the mood. So, Phil came home and asked for a mohawk. A couple of days later he wants it blue. So being the great wife I am, we bleached out his hair (the first time Phil had ever had ANY color on his hair) and colored it blue.
Step 1: Bleach On

Bleach done, he looks bald down the middle.

And.....BLUE!! I did it last Friday, so the blue has faded, but he likes it this color.

You can see his "highlights" fading through.

These are some of the guys at work that did mohawks. And as you can see, most of them got creative with color too!

They crack me up! I will be glad when the mohawk goes..hopefully in the next week or two! If you know Phil, you know how funny this is:)


Doug Wright said...

Looks like you guys are having fun!! I think hot pink might have matched your eyes a little better Phillip!! Don't work too hard out at Kennecott.

Kassie Temple said...

I love these pictures. Phil is such a good boss!!:)

Heather and Trevor said...

That Is So Funny! I Bet That Was Fun In A Way! I Agree On The Hot Pink Color Too. Great Pics! :)