Monday, December 8, 2008


Tagged by Kelli.....4th folder, 4th picture.
We were in St. George, April 2006.
I was not very happy. We were in these rock canyons and Phil kept climbimg up high with Bodie and I didn't want him to. (Ok it doesn't sound like that big of a deal....but I was pregnant. So emotional and crabby.) Then he wanted me to pose for a picture.
I look like such a beast! But, baby Bodie is SO cute! Danielle, you were there, you probably remember this......:)

I tag Danielle, Ana, Alyson & Wendy


Kelli and Chad said...

You look totall hot when you are pregnant, so not fair. You saw my picture obviously, so you should feel great this was your 4th folder 4th picture :) And Bodie does look so cute. Thanks for doing the Tag!

The Wright's said...

I totally remember that! I was kind of freaking out too when he was climbing up the rocks and I wasn't pregnant...or was I??? I don't remember! haha

Mrs. Wright said...

We just received your Christmas card last night. THANK YOU! The picture turned out great!