Tuesday, December 16, 2008

She shares her binkies with her daddy. Isn't she sweet?
Yes, my two year old still has a binky. That's on my resolution list for the new year.

They decided they needed to eat lunch on the floor.
Bodie is still wearing his Halloween costume. I really have got my money's worth this year!
Don't touch her 'Diet Coke'



Dustin and Lyndsey Wright said...

That is so funny I love it. Bodie still looks so good in his costume. What cute kids you guys have!

Krissy said...

My daughter still has her binky too!!! Such a hard habit to break... Except she will be 3 in february.. So I have that to knix and also get her potty trained. I am having no luck with that.Those are the first two things on my new years resolution list. It makes me feel like such a dead beat mom...Not so much the binky thing but the potty trianing thing..