Friday, December 5, 2008

This is a weird post.....sorry!

Attention Borah High School Class of '98....
So I was cleaning out my closet the other day. I was looking at all my purses that I had, that I hadn't used in years....a lot of years. So I started getting rid of them. I was cleaning out one in particular. (Whenever I switch to another purse, I always seem to leave some junk in the one I'm not using anymore. ) I found some TREASURES!! Apparently the last time I used this purse was about 1998. (Glad I saved it.) I found all my friends senior pictures that I would carry around. Each with a nice friendly message written on the back:) Also just a couple extra random pictures.

My brother, Jeremy and his budddy Owen. Nice hair, Jerse!! This picture I had laminated.

Me and Sara, a friend from my school in England.

Adrianne....look at those legs!



Nicole...I had two pictures of her, but I decided to spare her:)

The one and only Ty Ty
I hope no one is mad that I posted these! They made my day!


Chandra said...

That is sooo funny! What a treasure! I mean, I guess you were hoping that you would fine like some money hidden in there but those pictures are priceless! And you totally look the same!!! Good genes I guess huh? :-)

Krissy said...

That is Great!!! The good ol days. Back when life was alot easier... We need to for sure get together when you come into town. It would be so fun to get a bunch of us together. Like Amy, Melissa, Sara, Kelli, Adrianne, and whoever else we can think of that life in town. Seriously that would be so fun.. Let's talk about it in more detail so that it really happens.

Kelli and Chad said...

I am soooo glad you didn't have my senior picture in that purse!! That is so funny, those pictures make me miss my senior year.......almost :)Definatly the people though

Kelli said...

Haha! That's a great post Jenny...those pictures are hilarious! And even after 10 years, Adam still looks the same!